Hello! My name is DeLisa. I am 27 years old, a mom, and a wife. I am originally from South Carolina, and I hold on strong to my Southern roots. I am very free spirited and love nature. I love cupcakes and books. If I could live in any land in my imagination, it would for sure be Candyland or with Willie Wonka. My life is no where near as boring as everyone else's because I build my own alternate reality in my brain.
I have an amazing husband that I love a ton, but he also drives me completely mad. Can you imagine how hard it is to be married to someone like me? It is not an easy task, but he does it with ease and grace.
I have a ton to say and a lot of times it will make no sense. I speak my mind so there is a chance that if you continue to read my blog that you might at some point in time find yourself offended. I have tattoos and dark hair, and it doesn't bother me that people stare. I am a Christian woman. I wholeheartedly believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I am not a cookie cutter Christian though. I will often say things and write things that will make people question my faith. Just trust me that I know where I stand.
I am an artist. My artistry is in words and imagination. I cannot draw a picture with pencils, chalk, or paint, but what I can do is draw that picture in your mind. I can make you feel the emotions that I am going through or have been through. I can make you weep for my characters.
My goal with this blog is to just be me. I want to write about what I want, and take photos of what I want. One day I will be famous, you just wait and see.