Little boys are known for their hyper behavior and lack of using their brain when they do things. Boys play in dirt, put frogs in sister's bed, and pour bubbles in the toilet just to see what will happen. These things are all commonly followed by the phrase (especially from grandparents), "Boys will be boys."
Let me tell you. I have one of those boys. Ian is all over the house. He cannot manage to sit still. He drives me crazy most of the time, but he is too cute to stay mad at for too long. This past week that all changed.
I was sitting at home on Tuesday at around 2:30. It was close to time for school to get out so I was just waiting and watching TV (I should have been doing something more productive, but OH WELL). My cell phone rings, and I notice that it is the school. Well my assumption is that it is the nurses office because Ian is know for his clumsiness. It was not the nurse. It was the PRINCIPAL. Ian was in the office.