Weekly Free Printable

Hi, Everyone. I am back again with this weeks weekly free printable. This printable is the last in the blue kitchen series that I posted. It is set to print as a 5x7. It is the famous phrase, "Let Them Eat Cake." Do you know who made that phrase famous?.......Marie Antoinette. It has been thought for years that she said it out of spite or resentment for the peasant villagers, but certain historians are stepping up and saying that is not the case (a little history lesson for everyone *wink*). 

Regardless it makes a great addition to our kitchen printables. It goes along with our Eat or Starve and our Weekly Menu Planner. Who doesn't love cake?

Make sure that when you print it that you set your paper size to 5x7.Have fun!!

Don't forget to check out the matching printables above!!! Leave me some comment love!!

What Leaves Me in Awe Today?

Today I am in awe of my husband's love for me. I met him when he was fresh into the Navy and didn't expect anything to come from it. Seven years later I am with my best friend in the world. We often joke that we still like each other way too much to have been together for this long. He has to deal with a lot being married to me. I am not always easy to get along with. I have had medical issues over the past couple of years (and it doesn't look like they are going away anytime soon). But...through all of it he has been by my side. He never complains, and he just holds on to all the positive that I can't seem to find. What am I in awe of? My husband, my world. 

If you want to jump on the bandwagon of the journal prompts, be sure to check out Brave Girls Club.

Weekly Printable Free

Hi, Everyone. Here is this weeks printable for Freebie Friday. I know that it is a little late in the day. Please forgive me. I had to have blood work done this morning so I didn't get a chance to get it out. 

This is a super cute printable in 5x7 size to go with the Weekly Menu Printable from last week. It says Today's Menu Eat It or Starve. I don't know about you, but there is always that one child that does not agree with something that you are making. I live strongly by the motto you eat what I fix or you don't eat. This was my only option growing up with a Southern mom. Unfortunately for my children, they also have a Southern bred mom. haha. *wink*

Make sure that when you print it that you set your paper size to 5x7. I don't know what it is about these colors, but I am absolutely obsessed with them. It is perfect to go in a little frame beside your menu. 

If you have any questions at all, please let me know in the comments below or from the contact page. Enjoy!!! Leave me comments to let me know what you think!!

What Do I want to Stop Doing Today?

What do I want to stop doing today? I want to stop worrying. I am once again in the cycle of having a ton of tests run to figure out what is wrong with my body. I am hoping that it is just something that is easily fixed, but my mind automatically goes to the worst case scenario. I want to be able to get up and just feel like a normal person. I want to stop being concerned about everything and let God handle it. I know this is not likely to happen though. *sigh*

If you want to jump on the bandwagon of the journal prompts, be sure to check out Brave Girls Club.

Book Review "Anna Dressed in Blood"

Photo taken from Kendare Blake's Website.

Cas comes from a long line of ghosts killers and picked up where his father left off after he was brutally murdered by one of the very ghosts he was hunting. Cas's plan is to get vengeance on the ghost that murder his father, but only after he feels he has gained enough experience. He is venturing on what he expects is an ordinary job in Canada with a ghost that is known as Anna Dressed in Blood. Anna is unlike any ghost he has ever encountered. It is as if Anna consists of two very different people. One is angry and vengeful while one is compassionate. Cas has no idea what is store for him on this journey.

Journaling Prompt

What made me feel most like myself today? There are those days that I feel like I am struggling to feel normal. There are those days that I feel like I have no idea who I am. Today was not one of those days. What makes me feel most like myself? Getting up and putting on nice clothes and fixing my hair. There is nothing like being able to look in the mirror and say, "Yes, today I look awesome!!" I go into my room and close the door. I blast those songs that you really don't want the kids to hear, and I dance and get myself ready. I love it. It makes me feel SPECTACULAR!! 

What made you feel like yourself today? Leave me a comment below letting me know.  

If you want to jump on the bandwagon of the journal prompts, be sure to check out Brave Girls Club.

Free Weekly Menu Printable

The other two pictures will be available as printables soon. Can't give away all my secrets at once.
I have a great printable for all of you today. If you are anything like me, I like to plan everything. I would plan every minute of every day if I could. It just makes life simpler. 

In the past couple of years, Moms have realized that if the meal plan at least a week ahead it makes life easier. I know when I menu plan I want something that is nice looking on my fridge or my counter. That is why I created this download. Then my next thought was I want to share this with all my readers. :) 

It is super easy to download and print out. The great thing is if you put it in a glass frame or in a plastic sleeve protector you can use a dry erase marker on it. I don't have a ton of counter space so it is easier to hang it on the fridge. You also have the option to print it out as many times as you want so that you can put them in a binder and be able to look back at week priors. 

If you have any questions at all, please let me know in the comments below or from the contact page. Enjoy!!! Leave me comments to let me know what you think!!

What Did I Do Today That Was Difficult?

Today it was difficult to see the beauty in the world. I like to pride myself on being able to see the beauty in every situation, but this week has made that difficult. Then I went to the lovely Target (who gets way too much of my money *wink*), and I saw these flowers. They were planted throughout the parking lot and something just pulled me to them. I knew I needed a picture that I could morph and play with. I am sure that I looked like that crazy lady out there with my phone snapping pictures of the bushes in the parking lot. OH WELL!! They were beautiful, and I knew that somehow they would fit with my blog for the day. 

If you want to jump on the bandwagon of the journal prompts, be sure to check out Brave Girls Club.

Chasing My Dreams

Chasing your dreams becomes increasingly harder the older you get. A smart person leaves home after high school and goes off to college. I so wish that I would have done this and experienced the college life (frat parties and Spring Break *wink*). I got married, had children, and then went to college. Well guess what?! I got to spend my nights doing school work and my days cleaning house and changing diapers. FUN!! 

I have always known that I wanted to write. I want to publish several books. I want to edit other people's books. I want to be in the publishing community in any way that I can.  

What Do I Feel Certain About Today?

Today I feel certain that I will hold my children tighter. I had to experience a heartache with my children today after discovering the little boy that we had helped search for had actually been killed by a family member. Today I am certain that these three lil' people above are my world. I am certain that I could not imagine my life without them. I am certain that everything that I do, I do for them. I have come to realize that even when what I am doing is all about myself that it is actually to make me better for them. When I am chasing my dreams, it is to teach my children that they should always chase theirs. Today I am certain that almost my entire life exist in just one picture above. 

If you want to jump on the bandwagon of the journal prompts, be sure to check out Brave Girls Club.

What Am I Wishing For Today?

Today I am wishing for peace. I am wishing for a quiet place to vacation. I want to be able to disappear from the world for a little while and just recenter myself. I wish that I could just take off with my family and a tent for a week. There is nothing like the quiet of 6 A.M. in the wilderness. There is nothing like sitting around a campfire and just enjoying the company of each other without all the electronics and noise of the world. Today I wish for life. A life that is simpler than what I have now. Today I wish for peace. 

If you want to jump on the bandwagon of the journal prompts, be sure to check out Brave Girls Club.

Who Blessed My Life Today?

I woke up today with a heavy heart because of an eleven year old little boy who is missing from a town near by. I decided first thing that I was going to get dressed and go help in any way that I could. I spent my entire morning and part of my afternoon with an entire community of people. You may ask, "How did this bless your life?" I was able to see first hand how a community can come together and how businesses put aside their need for financial gain and donated hundreds of dollars in food and supplies. I knew that I had made the right decision. I knew that my life would forever be changed by what I saw today. I was blessed by an entire community. 

If you are interested in taking part in the daily writing prompts, please be sure to visit Brave Girls Club.

Please Check Your Spelling Pet Peeve for the Day

What Can I do to Make Things Better Today?

Let me start off first by saying that I have decided that I needed to do something to hold me accountable to my blog. It is so hard trying to blog every day or even every other day. I have so far completely failed at it, but that is all about to change. I am going to be doing a journal every day. I stumbled across Brave Girls Club on Pinterest. Their prompts are SPECTACULAR. I have decided that I will use those for my daily journals. If you would like to participate, head on over to the Brave Girls Club website with the link above and jump right in!! After today, I will just be posting the title and writing. 

What can I do to make things better today? I can be more loving. I unfortunately let the world get the best of me sometimes which then causes me to kind of shut down. I can focus more on myself and following my dreams instead of just supporting everyone else's. I will start my day today knowing that the first thing I did this morning was write this blog. The first thing that I did was focus on my dream. That is a good feeling.